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Daily Archives: October 25th, 2007

diets suck!!!

i am forever wondering what it is i’m supposed to be doing. i know that it’s something that i shouldn’t be thinking about constantly but its just something stuck to my mind that i can never get out. i’m going to start working again on being artistic, (while i’m also working on my diet)

trying to get back into art:

i’ll start slowly. last fall i took an art class and was devastated upon receiving a b-. never have i received such a grade in an art class. but this was something that i took after not picking up a paintbrush, pencil, charcoal, pastel, anything in 5+ years so i guess i deserved it. but still, very devastating. to start out slowly i have decided to draw at least one finish picture a week, lets see how that goes and if i can keep it up.